Wednesday, January 28, 2009

23 Truths Tagged by Taren who Tagged Everyone :)
  1. I wish I was Harry Potter
  2. Sometimes I go days with out brushing my hair
  3. I don't shave my legs a lot
  4. I don't wash my face before bed ( good one Taren)
  5. I have cold but sometimes sweaty hands and feet and I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!!
  6. I didn't work out last night like I should of
  7. I love cuddling with anyone I can, well maybe not anyone, but mostly anyone.
  8. I have a bear I sleep with at night
  9. I hate when people call me Jessica
  10. Four is my favorite number
  11. My hair is damaged to the roots and I am MEGA PISSED!
  12. I could eat a bean and cheese Burrito anytime any day
  13. I want to become a flight attendant
  14. I really wanna take mixed martial arts classes
  15. I wish I was a hippie in some ways
  16. I LOVE NERTS! Thanks Marf
  17. I am super scared of letting myself like someone, and I probably hold back a lot of the times.
  18. Sunflowers and Tulips are my favorite flowers
  19. I am super bad about making decisions
  20. I am cold 70% of the time
  21. I actually wanna finish college
  22. I am a flake, and forgetful
  23. I will sometimes not answer my phone or texts on purpose ( hey everyone does it!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

COOT! I do!